Breakout Sessions

In the breakout groups, participants are asked to think about our field of science in terms of future developments and societal expectations. YSM participants have been assigned to one of eight diverse discussions groups. Two breakout groups of around 10 people will address one of four topics. 

- What should the research questions and priorities in paleoscience be for the next 10 years? 
- Advocate for the relevance and importance of paleo-research to a funding agency or a policy maker.
- Develop better strategies to communicate paleoscience to a non-academic audience.
- What are the key educational ingredients that will ensure the success of the next generation of paleoscientists?

Read more about the breakout sessions, including participant assignments here.

Post-session reports in PAGES news

> Breakout Group A: What should the research questions and priorities in paleoscience be for the next 10 years?
S. Dee, F. Muschitiello

> Breakout Group B: Advocating the relevance of paleo- research to a funding agency or policy maker
I. Bouimetarhan, H-C. Steen-Larsen

> Breakout Group C: Challenges and solutions for enhanced paleoscience communication
H.Roop, E. Dietze

> Breakout Group D: Key educational ingredients to ensure the success of future paleoscientists
R. Panchang, J. Richey