Inclusivity round table
Monday 16 May, 14:00-15:00 UTC+1
Yassine Ait Brahim, Mike Evans, Georgy Falster, Katrin Meissner, Nick Schafstall, Blas Valero-Garcés, Chené van Rensburg
For PAGES to merit the "global" in its name, it should seek to make its activities more inclusive and to diversify its membership and its leadership. This roundtable is organized around the following questions and an open discussion amongst participants: (1) how can PAGES activities reach a broader audience? (2) How can we better support early career and underrepresented communities to participate in workshops, steering activities, and interaction with other global research networks? (3) How should PAGES document and report progress going forward? (4) What steps should PAGES take to improve inclusivity in 2022-2023 and further into the future?
Tuesday 17 May, 14:00-15:00 UTC+1
Stella Alexandroff, Aixue Hu, Madelyn Mette, Linwood Pendleton
The Ocean Knowledge Action Network (KAN) is a network-of-networks that aims to bring scientists, stakeholders, and funders together to co-design science for a sustainable ocean. To achieve this, the Ocean KAN works closely with science networks, UN Ocean Decade programmes, and on-the-ground collaborators in different regions.
In this townhall-type meeting, we will explore ways in which PAGES and the Ocean KAN can strengthen their collaboration in the future. We will discuss how palaeoscientists can get involved in the UN Ocean Decade and talk about the co-design of science with stakeholders.
We will give a short introduction to the Ocean KAN and the UN Ocean Decade, and then present thoughts and experiences of PAGES scientists followed by a moderated discussion. While the focus is on ocean science, colleagues from all disciplines are welcome to join and engage in the conversation.
Expand the reach of your science: Archiving your data in community repositories
Wednesday 18 May, 14:00-15:00 UTC+1
Jack Williams, Janine Felden, Carrie Morrill
2k Network townhall
Friday 20 May, 14:00-15:00 UTC+1
Matthew Jones, Georgy Falster, Lukas Jonkers
Phase 4 of the PAGES 2k Network launched in January 2022 with a focus on hydroclimate. In this session the Phase 4 coordinating team will introduce the specific objectives of this new phase and allow time for initial feedback from, and discussion with, the PAGES community. We will discuss: How do we synthesize proxy hydroclimate information in a database? How can we better link data and models in hydroclimate space? How do we deal with the challenges of database interoperability? How do we engage 2k science with policy? The coordinating team look forward to discussing with you and welcome your contributions to 2k Phase 4.