Peer Feedback

Providing feedback on talks and posters is an important component of the YSM. Participants will be asked to submit both constructive criticism and positive comments, where appropriate, on their peers’ presentations. These guidelines will help you arrive prepared for what is expected.  

Guidelines for feedback on talks and poster presentations

Each talk and poster will receive peer feedback from two YSM participants. The purpose of the exercise is to:

- Provide YSM presenters with information on what specific aspects of their presentations are most/least effective.
- Encourage critical thinking about your own presentations by considering the work of your peers.

Questions you'll be asked to respond to: 

- Was the research objective clear?
- Did the various sections of the talk or poster presentation flow smoothly?
- Is the level of methodological detail appropriate?
- Did the presenter speak clearly?
- Did the presenter seem engaged by the material?
- Were the visuals compelling and clear?
- By the end of the talk/poster, did you have a clear idea what was accomplished?
- What was/were the most effective aspect(s) of the presentation?
- What was/were the least effective aspect(s) of the presentation?

Your feedback can and should be constructively critical, but balanced by positive comments about what worked well. The more detailed your response, the more helpful your feedback will be. 

Feedback forms will be distributed with registration packages.

Summary of peer-feedback on posters and talks

A powerpoint presentation summarizing the most common suggestions from the peer-feedback exercise ... download